
Wrexham Golf Club

Course Status

Course open Updated: 19th Oct 2024

Course open all holes open as normal Message sent 7am 19.10.24 Updated: 19th Oct 2024

Tue 22
Wed 23
Thu 24

Open Competitions


Important Information:

All Open events held at Wrexham Golf Club (The Club) shall be played in accordance with the current edition of the Rules of Golf as approved by the R&A Rules Limited.
All competitors must be of amateur status and members of a recognised golf club. The Club reserves the right to refuse entry to any player without specifying a reason.
Proof of handicap must be presented if requested by competition officials. 
The Club reserves the right to fix and/or alter starting times. The Club will contact any players who have their starting times changed. Each player must start at the time determined by the Club.
All players must report to the Professional Shop before play. Any substitute player must satisfy the entry requirements and advise the Professional Shop of their club and WHS Membership number/CDH ID.
Subject to the Rules of Golf any competitor who fails to appear on the tee at their appointed starting time will forfeit their entry fee.
All ties in Open events shall be decided by card count back.
All disputes shall be settled by the Competition Committee whose decision shall be final.
All visitors must adhere to the club and course dress codes


Opens are available for on-line booking using our credit/debit card facility and payment will be taken at the time of booking. All our Open competitions require immediate payment in full; until you have made the payment your entry will not be valid and may be removed.
A current WHS Membership number/CDH ID is required and will be requested at time of entry. If you are entering a team competition, then you will need the WHS Membership number/CDH ID for each player you wish to enter.
There are no handicap limits for entering our Open competitions, but a maximum playing handicap of 28 (Men) or 36 (Ladies) is used in all Opens unless stated otherwise in the rules of the competition.
All entrants must provide telephone and/or email contact details to ensure they can be contacted in the event of cancellation or rescheduling of their tee times.
The booking is completely transferable. Should you be unable to make your tee time, you can offer the tee time to someone else such as a family member or friend, provided they meet the competition entry requirements.

Cancellation Policy:

Refunds for Opens will only be granted if notice is given more than one month from the date of the competition. If you cancel your booking with less than one months’ notice, you will forfeit the whole entry fee. If you fail to cancel your booking, or fail to turn up, the entry will be treated as a cancellation.
In the event your pairing is left without markers, the Competition Committee will endeavour to provide you with markers from the Club’s membership. However, if your pairing remains without markers on the day of the competition, you will be offered the following:

Your pairing will be able to play the course at the rate paid for the competition entry but would not be eligible to win a prize.
Should you decide not to play the course, you will be entitled to a full refund.

If during an Open event it becomes impossible to complete the competition due to adverse weather conditions, or other circumstances, the following rules will apply:

Refunds will be issued to any players unable to start their round.
The Competition Committee, at its discretion, may decide to offer partial refunds or complimentary mid-week rounds of golf to players who are unable to complete their round.
Players who have completed their rounds will not be offered a refund or a complimentary round of golf.
The Competition Committee will decide if sufficient players have completed their round, and whether the competition can be considered as completed and prizes awarded.
The Competition Committee will decide, if the course is closed, and the competition abandoned or if play is to be suspended and when play is to be resumed. Play will not be suspended for more than one hour.
The decision of the Competition Committee will be final.


Green Fees: Visitor tee times are available for on-line booking 7 days in advance using our credit/debit card facility. All green fee bookings must be paid in full at the time of booking, except for member guest bookings which can be paid for on the day of play. To book a tee time on the day please book via the pro shop on 01978 351476. You should report to the Pro shop before beginning your round.

Cancellation Policy:  If you cancel your booking with more than 48 hours’ notice, you will receive a full refund of your green fee. If you cancel your booking with less than 48 hours’ notice, you will be offered an alternate day. If you fail to cancel your booking, there will be a charge of 100% of the green fee made to your credit/debit card.

Cancellation during play:

If a golfer(s) chooses to play and the weather worsens and the golfer(s) decides not to continue, no refund will be given.
If the golfer(s) chooses to play and in the event of any unforeseen circumstances the golfer(s) decides not to continue, no refund will be given.
If your round is disrupted due to thunder storms the club will temporarily suspend play until safe to resume. No refund will be given in these circumstances.
If during your round the course becomes unplayable through severe weather, as deemed by the management you will be entitled to:

A voucher providing 50% off your next visit if you have completed 9 holes.
A voucher providing 100% off your next visit if you have not completed 9 holes.

Cancellations made by the club: If the course is closed on your day of play (as deemed by the management), no person may play on the course and all bookings are cancelled. It is up to the individual(s) concerned to re-book their tee time(s) or request a refund by emailing, calling or in person at the club within 72 hours from their original tee time. After 72 hours no refund will be given.

Buggies: Buggies are available on a first come, first served basis. From the beginning of November until the end of March, buggies are only available to those with a medical requirement. 

Winter Wheels: From the beginning of November until the end of March, a winter wheel policy is in place for trolleys please contact the pro shop for information.

Winter Play: Please note that during winter months we carry out essential maintenance works. Occasionally there may be hole closures and/or a shorter course in play.

Society Booking Policy

Booking Policy

To maintain your reservation your deposit must be paid within 14 days of your original booking.

Final numbers must be confirmed 8 days before your reservation, payment will be required in full for the numbers confirmed.

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel with more than 14 days notice you will receive a full refund of your deposit and any other monies paid.

If you cancel with less than 14 days but more than 7 days notice you will not receive a refund of your deposit.

If you cancel with less that 7 days notice but more than 2 days notice, you will be required to pay for 50% of the reservation.

If you cancel with less than 2 days notice you will be required to pay for the reservation in full.

Dress Code: All visitors must adhere to the club and course dress codes.

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